92 Appendix A. Message List
No Java method is found. Check whether the Java class/interface was
changed after execution of the J adapter class generator.
The Java class/interface was probably changed after generation of an adapter
class. Check the Java class/interface.
The character string could not be fetched from the String object. Call the J
adapter class generator supplier.
The J adapter class generator failed. Collect failure information and call your
Fujitsu systems engineer.
The subscript of the array object is invalid. Specify a subscript within the
array range.
The subscript value is outside the range from "0 to (element count - 1)." Specify
a valid subscript.
The class of the set object is invalid. Specify a subclass of the array
element class.
An attempt was made to set an invalid class object in an array element. Set an
object of a valid class. An object of the array element class or its subclass must
be set.
An internal logical error (inconsistency between the return value and
object reference) occurred. Call the J adapter class generator supplier.
The J adapter class generator failed. Collect failure information and call your
Fujitsu systems engineer.
Java VM detected an error. Remove the error cause. (exception name:
supplementary information)
The Java VM detected an execution-time error. Determine the error cause from
the exception name and supplementary information and remove it.
An internal logical error (failure of the error detecting feature) occurred.
Call the J adapter class generator supplier.
The J adapter class generator failed. Collect failure information and call your
Fujitsu systems engineer.