Chapter 5. Adapter Class Reference 71
the J adapter class generator. For instance, the java.io.ObjectInputStream class
inherits the java.io.ObjectInput interface and java.io.InputStream class (see the
figure below).
Figure 5.2
Relationships among java.io.ObjectInput interface, java.io.InputStream
class, and java.io.ObjectInputStream class
For the adapter class corresponding to these interface and classes, methods of the
same name must be generated for the read methods having the same parameters.
The J adapter class generator uses the generation name management file to manage
the correspondence of method names across classes or interfaces. It then assigns
numbers to methods with the same name according to the following rules:
1. The J adapter class generator searches the generation name management file
for a method having the same name and parameter.
2. If a matching method is found, it uses the corresponding COBOL method name.
3. If no matching method is found, it generates a new COBOL method and adds it
to the generation name management file.
4. A COBOL method name is generated according to the following rule:
- The COBOL method name that is first added is the same as the Java method
- The second and subsequent COBOL method names are assigned number in
ascending order from 01.
The object methods corresponding to the read methods of the java.io.ObjectInput
interface, java.io.InputStream class, and java.io.ObjectInputStream class are
assigned names as shown below:
Java method COBOL method