2.6.8 Measuring Event-to-Event Execution Cycle Count
[Performance Measurement]
This section explains how to measure the execution cycle count between two events in
the MB2100-01 emulator debugger.
■ Performance Measurement
This emulator debugger measures the execution cycle count between two events, which the system has
passed while a user program is running. This is referred to as "performance measurement".
The features for the performance measurement are as follows.
• Measuring the cycle count required to carry out the event-to-event execution
• Measuring up to 65535 times, using an event-to-event measurement as one cycle
• The allowable number of intervals is only one if one interval is required between two events.
• Accumulating the measurement result and obtaining the average value based on the measuring count
The following shows the performance measurement image.
■ Measurement Items
The measurement items for the performance function are as follows.
Cycle count : Accumulates the number of cycles required to carry out the event-to-event execution.
Measuring count : Accumulates the number of times the system passes from event to event.
Average : Average obtained by dividing the cycle count by the measuring count
■ Remeasuring
Remeasuring performance refers to a function that clears the measuring count during execution of a user
program and remeasures from the beginning.
To carry out remeasuring, select [Restart] in the shortcut menu of the performance window.
If necessary, you can respecify the performance measuring interval (event) during execution.
This restarts measuring at the times when events have been set.
It measuring
Measuring up to 65535 times
Not possible to measuring
Start Stop
Start execution Stop execution