1.1 Workspace Management Function
This section explains the workspace management function of SOFTUNE Workbench.
■ Workspace
SOFTUNE Workbench uses workspace as a container to manage two or more projects including subprojects.
For example, a project that creates a library and a project that creates a target file using the project can be
stored in one workspace.
■ Workspace Management Function
To manage two or more projects, workspace manages the following information:
• Project
• Active project
• Subproject
■ Project
The operation performed in SOFTUNE Workbench is based on the project. The project is a set of files and
procedures necessary for creation of a target file. The project file contains all data managed by the project.
■ Active Project
The active project is basic to workspace and undergoes [Make], [Build], [Compile/Assemble], [Start Debug],
and [Update Dependence] in the menu. [Make], [Build], [Compile/Assemble], and [Update Dependence]
affect the subprojects within the active project.
If workspace contains some project, it always has one active project.
■ Subproject
The subproject is a project on which other projects depend. The target file in the subproject is linked with the
parent project of the subproject in creating a target file in the parent project.
This dependence consists of sharing target files output by the subproject, so a subproject is first made and
built. If making and building of the subproject is unsuccessful, the parent project of the subproject will not be
made and built.
The target file in the subproject is however not linked with the parent project when:
• An absolute (ABS)-type project is specified as a subproject.
• A library (LIB)-type project is specified as a subproject.
■ Restrictions on Storage of Two or More Projects
Only one REALOS-type project can be stored in one workspace.