Chapter 5 Hints on Pre-/Post-editing for JE Translation
Advanced Techniques Hints for Achieving Better Translation Results
ATLAS translates a sentence with no subject into the passive voice. It can be translated as
follows, however, by changing the translation style:
• Translate a sentence with no subject into imperative form.
• Insert (*S) to indicate a subject for a sentence with no subject or (*O) to indicate an object
for a sentence with no object during translation.
Writing sentences that avoid different interpretations
A sentence allowing different interpretations is not suited for translation since several
different translations are possible.
When there are two or more possible modificands, ATLAS recognizes the one closest to the
modifier as the modificand. This recognition of modification, however, can be changed by using
control brackets (e.g. [ ]). For details, refer to " Selecting a Text String as a Translation Unit
[Insert Control Brackets]" in "Introduction", on page 12.
Avoiding ambiguous expressions
An ambiguous sentence allows different interpretations. ATLAS translates a sentence based
on the most likely interpretations. This may lead to translation different from the writer's
Japanese homonyms written in hiragana are also not suited for translation since they allow
different interpretations.
⇒ Changing word order to clarify modification
メモリ A に表示さ れるメ ッ セージを格納する 。
The message displayed in memory A is stored.
表示さ れるメ ッ セージを メ モリ A に格納する。
The displayed message is stored in memory A.
⇒ Using [ ] to clarify modification
メモリ A に表示さ れるメ ッ セージを格納する 。
The message displayed in memory A is stored.
メモリ A に[ 表示さ れるメ ッ セージを 格納する]。
The displayed message is stored in memory A.
⇒ Using a definite expression
こ の会社は、 適切な品質のも のを生産する。
This company produces the one of an appropriate quality.
こ の会社は、 適切な品質の商品を生産する。
This company produces commodities of an appropriate quality.