
Advanced Techniques Hints for Achieving Better Translation Results
Advanced Techniques
Hints on Pre-/Post-editing for
EJ Translation
When ATLAS fails to translate a document, the original sentences are output
as they are. In this case, review them by taking the following precautions
into account.
4.1 Hints for Creating/Modifying Original Text
Shortening sentences
The longer the sentences are, the higher the possibility of translation failure. Divide single
sentences into 2 or more at the point where a comma or conjunction is used.
Clarifying the modification of complicated sentences
"Complicated sentences" refer to those in which it is difficult to analyze the modifications.
They include sentences in which a prepositional phrase is placed away from its qualifying
clause or words and sentences in which parallel phrases are nested. Such sentences may
not be interpreted correctly.
Trying to compose sentences of no more than 20 words.
Dividing single sentences into 2 or more at the point where a comma or
conjunction is used.
We have chosen a small set of mathematical concepts that we understand to be
the most fundamental within this field at this time, and in presenting these concepts
we have attempted to show how to argue for mathematical hypotheses.
私たちはこ のと き、 私たち が示すのを 試みたこ れら の概念にど う 数学の仮説に
ついて賛成の議論を するかを 提示する際に私たちが、 こ の分野の中で最も 基本
的である と を理解し ている と いう 小さ い数学上の概念を 選びまし た。
We have chosen a small set of mathematical concepts that we understand to be
the most fundamental within this field at this time. And in presenting these concepts
we have attempted to show how to argue for mathematical hypotheses.
私たちは、 こ のと き、 私たちが、 こ の分野の中で最も 基本的である と を 理解
示する 際に、 私たちは、 どのよう に数学の仮説について賛成の議論を する かを
示すのを 試みまし た。
Clarifying the modification of a qualifying phrase (using a comma)
To establish the theory verifying the details of the experiment is the aim of this job.
実験の詳細について確かめる理論を 確立する のは、 こ の仕事の目的です。
To establish the theory, verifying the details of the experiment is the aim of this job.
理論を証明するために、 実験の詳細について確かめるのは、 この仕事の目的です。