7 Glossary
coefficients - Values used to define characteristics of a probe.
help balloons - The yellow boxes with words that appear below and to the side
of the toolbar icons when the mouse is passed over them.
model number - The model number of the probe.
RTPW - The resistance of a platinum probe at the Triple Point of Water, which
is 0.01°C.
raw data - The reference probe readings, test probe readings, and CJC readings
(if applicable) used to calculated the coefficients.
reference probe readings -The temperature readings taken from the reference
readout device to which the reference probe is connected.
residuals - The difference between the measured and actual values at the
set-points used to calculate coefficients.
serial number - The serial number of the probe.
test date - The date the test was performed.
Toolbar - The strip of icons across the top of the screen on the TableWare main
display screen.
Triple Point of Water - The temperature at which the 3 states of water are all
present (0.01°C).
UUT - Stands for Unit Under Test. UUT refers to the test probe.
7 Glossary