Enabled and disabled
The resolution selection boxes are disabled unless the “Use custom resolutions”
option is selected.
Dialog information
The Resolutions tab allows the user to specify the resolutions to use when
printing table values. There are two options: “Use default resolutions” and “Use
custom resolutions”.
When the “Use default resolutions” option is selected, the values on the table
are printed using the default method: temperature values are always 2 decimal
places and all other values depend upon the magnitude of the value:
For values between –10 and 10: seven decimal places
For values between –100 and 100: six decimal places
For values between –1,000 and 1,000: five decimal places
For values between –10,000 and 10,000: four decimal places
For values between –100,000 and 100,000: three decimal places
All other values: two decimal places
When the “Use custom resolutions” option is selected, the values on the table
are printed using the formats selected by the user. Select the format for temper
ature readings with the Temperature drop-down list. Select the format for resis
tance, ratio or voltage readings with the appropriate drop-down list. Select the
format for the first derivative, inverse difference or error readings with the ap
propriate drop-down list.
3 Coefficients menu
Coefficients and residuals
Figure 24 Table Options - Resolutions