Users Manual
ALARm:RHUMidity<chn>:SENSor:ENABle? Returns the state of the humidity sensor alarm enable
for the specified channel
ALARm:RHUMidity<chn>:SENSor:ENABle <bool> Enables or disables the humidity sensor alarm for the
specified channel
ALARm:RHUMidity<chn>:UPPer? Returns the state of the high humidity event for the
specified channel
ALARm:RHUMidity<chn>:UPPer:ENABle? Returns the state of the high humidity alarm enable for
the specified channel
ALARm:RHUMidity<chn>:UPPer:ENABle <bool> Enables or disables the high humidity alarm for the
specified channel
ALARm:RHUMidity<chn>:UPPer:LIMit? Returns the high humidity alarm limit for the specified
Sets the high humidity alarm limit for the specified
ALARm:TEMPerature<chn>:LOW? Returns the state of the low temperature alarm for the
specified channel
ALARm:TEMPerature<chn>:LOW:ENABle? Returns the state of the low temperature alarm enable
for the specified channel
ALARm:TEMPerature<chn>:LOW:ENABle <bool> Enables or disables the low temperature alarm for the
specified channel
ALARm:TEMPerature<chn>:LOW:LIMit? Returns the low temperature alarm limit for the
specified channel
Sets the low temperature alarm limit for the specified
ALARm:TEMPerature<chn>:RATE? Returns the state of the temperature rate alarm for the
specified channel
ALARm:TEMPerature<chn>:RATE:ENABle? Returns the state of the temperature rate alarm enable
for the specified channel
ALARm:TEMPerature<chn>:RATE:ENABle <bool> Enables or disables the temperature rate alarm for the
specified channel
ALARm:TEMPerature<chn>:RATE:LIMit? Returns the temperature rate alarm limit for the
specified channel
Sets the temperature rate alarm limit for the specified
ALARm:TEMPerature<chn>:SENSor? Returns the state of the temperature sensor alarm for
the specified channel
ALARm:TEMPerature<chn>:SENSor:ENABle? Returns the state of the temperature sensor alarm
enable for the specified channel
ALARm:TEMPerature<chn>:SENSor:ENABle <bool> Enables or disables the temperature sensor alarm for
the specified channel
ALARm:TEMPerature<chn>:UPPer? Returns the state of the high temperature alarm for the
specified channel