Digital Communications Interface
Commands 6
The <chn> parameter specifies the channel (1 or 2). A value of 1 is returned if the
specified channel is on. A value of 0 is returned if the specified channel is off.
ROUTe:CLOSe <chn>
Switches on the specified channel.
Example: ROUT:CLOS 1
The <chn> parameter specifies the channel (1 or 2) to switch on. This command may be
password protected (see Password Commands)
ROUTe:OPEN? <chn>
Returns the state of the specified channel.
Example: ROUT:OPEN? 1
Response: 0
The <chn> parameter specifies the channel (1 or 2). A value of 1 is returned if the
specified channel is off. A value of 0 is returned if the specified channel is on.
ROUTe:OPEN <chn>
Switches off the specified channel.
Example: ROUT:OPEN 1
The <chn> parameter specifies the channel (1 or 2) to switch off. This command may be
password protected (see Password Commands)
Calibration Commands
The calibration commands are used to access the sensor calibration parameters. The
calibration commands are always password protected.
Returns the state of the sensor calibration expired alert enable for the specified channel.
Example: CAL1:ALER?
Response: 0
The CALibrate suffix, <chn>, specifies the channel (1 or 2). A value of 1 is returned if
the calibration alert is enabled for the specified channel. A value of 0 is returned if the
calibration alert is disabled for the specified channel.
CALibrate<chn>:ALERt <bool>
Sets the state of the sensor alert enable for the specified channel.
Example: CAL1:ALER 1
The CALibrate suffix, <chn>, specifies the channel (1 or 2). The <bool> parameter turns
the sensor alert on (1 or ON) or off (0 or OFF). This command is password protected (see
Password Commands).
Returns the sensor calibration date for the specified channel.
Example: CAL1:DATE:CAL?