RESTRICTED USE ONLY Fargo Electronics, Inc.
Pro-LX Laminating Card Printer/Encoder User Guide (Rev. 5.0) 69
Encoding Errors
Resolving the Mag Verify Error Message
Symptoms: A Mag Verify error is displayed on the LCD when attempting to encode.
Step Procedure
1 Check to ensure that the cards are loaded with the Magnetic Stripe facing down
and towards the back of the Printer.
2 Verify the Driver settings if cards are loaded properly. Properly loaded cards will
be oriented with the mag stripe facing down and toward the back of the Printer.
See the Using the Magnetic Encoding tab procedure in Section 3, page 118.
3 Verify that data is being encoded to the Magnetic Stripe.
a. Clear any Error Messages from the LCD by unplugging the Printer and
reapplying power.
b. Remove the failed card from the Reject Hopper.
c. Use a Magnetic Stripe reader or magnetic developer spray to determine if
data is being written to the Magnetic Stripe.
If data is not being written to the Magnetic Stripe, remove the back cover
and verify that the magnetic head is plugged into J100 on the main
If the Magnetic head connection is properly seated, replace the magnetic
head (as needed). See the Replacing the Mag Head procedure in
Section 5, page Error! Bookmark not defined..
If data is being written to the Magnetic Stripe, adjust the Mag TOF (as
needed). Refer to the Mag TOF display on the next page. . See the Using
the Magnetic Offset option procedure in Section 3, page 103.
Continued on the next page