RESTRICTED USE ONLY Fargo Electronics, Inc.
Pro-LX Laminating Card Printer/Encoder User Guide (Rev. 5.0) 66
Resolving the Ribbon Breaking issues (continued)
Step Procedure
4 Adjust the Image Placement.
a. Reset the Printer to clear any Error Messages by removing Power and
b. Open the Printer Control Panel from the Computer.
If using Windows 95/98/ME, right click on the Pro-LX Card Printer Icon
and select Properties.
If using Windows NT 4.0, right click on the Pro-LX Card Printer and select
Document Defaults.
If using Windows 2000/XP, right click on the Pro-LX Card Printer and
select Printing Preferences.
c. Click the Calibrate tab.
d. Click on the Settings button.
e. Adjust the Image Placement setting by -10.
f. Click on OK.
g. Print a Self-Test.
h. After adjusting the Image Placement, if a white edge appears on the card,
adjust the image placement back toward its original value in increments of 2
until the white edge is gone.