FBS Dynamic Filters Tab
This tab contains the fifteen dynamic filters, with a scroll bar to display filters hidden due to
the dialog box size.
Dynamic filters are notch filters that are cut only, providing attenuation up to 30dB at the
specified Q. The default Q is set in the Tools > Options menu, but can be changed on
the settings tab prior to engaging the FBS dynamic filters. Changing the Q setting after
dynamic filters have been generated will clear all dynamic filters.
Figure 39. FBS Dynamic Filters Tab
Frequency and cut values are read only. Dynamic filters are in auto-detect mode when the
FBS block is active (when Bypass FBS is off). If testing reaches a point where no further
changes are desired, the lock button may be engaged. The lock mode of operation is
temporary, and is intended to be used during setup of the FBS. When the FBS dialog box
is closed, lock mode is automatically disengaged.
If there are specific dynamic filters the operator wants to assure are not overwritten, press
the Move to Fixed button to write the designated filter settings to the first available filter in
the Fixed Filter tab.
NOTE: When a dynamic filter setting is moved to the fixed filter, it will automatically
clear that frequency from the dynamic filter.
The Clear button will remove a detected frequency from the corresponding dynamic filter.
A cleared filter reverts to auto-detect mode unless Lock mode is engaged.
DMP128 • Software Control 68