
Line Output Channels
There are eight mono Line Output channels. Controls and processing blocks, identical for
each output channel, are described in the following sections.
Post-mixer Trim Control (TRIM)
The post-mixer trim control provides a fader for fine adjustment of the
program material prior to the output signal chain. The trim control has
a range of –12dB to +12dB in 0.1dB increments.
Default is unmuted at unity (0.0dB) gain.
Loudness (LOUD)
The loudness processor block, when inserted, applies
a filter compensation curve to the signal in an inverse
relationship to the output volume control setting; the
higher the output volume setting, the less compensation is
(see “Calibrating Loudness” on page61).
The loudness processor compensates for changes in human perception to varying volume
levels by applying a filter compensation curve to the signal in an inverse relationship to
the gain control setting. The higher the gain setting, the less loudness compensation is
applied. Generally, as volume is lowered, perception of certain frequencies is progressively
diminished, returning to a more flat response as volume is increased. Loudness will boost
those diminished frequencies to the highest degree at low volume levels, decreasing the
boost as volume increases.
Bypass must be disengaged for the loudness processor to function. The bypass button
is red when engaged (loudness control defeated), and gray when disengaged (loudness
control active).
DMP128 • Software Control 60