EDR910_1610_ma_en_rev1 00 - 12 -
(3) SELECT: Within a multiscreen view, the SELECT key activates the camera
selection mode. The active camera field shows “S”.
Use the JOG to switch between the camera fields. Use the channel keys 1~9 or
1~16 to switch the channel.
(4) PLAYBACK STATUS: The playback-relevant information are displayed in this
status bar.
1. Playback date: Current playback date
2. Playback status: Playback operation mode
“PAUSE”: Freeze image mode
“>”: normal playback speed
“<“ reverse playback, normal speed
“>> x N” : forward playback, Nx speed
“<< x N”: reverse playback, Nx speed
"XX%": playback position in XX percent of total HDD capacity
3. Playback position: current playback position, display format depends on
time/date menu settings
(5) RECORDING STATUS: The recording-relevant information are displayed in this
status bar.
1. Current date: as set in time/date menu
2. Recording status: In case of activated recording, "R" + current HDD no. is displayed
“R01”: R - RECORD, figure shows the currently recording HDD no., here: No. 1
3. Event: current event display
4. Current time: as set in time/date menu
5. HDD fan message: “No Disk”: no HDD available or detected
“No Fan”: fan malfunction
"HDD OT": HDD over temperature
back date Pla
back status Pla
Current date Recordin
status Event