The HBAnyware Utility User Manual Page 109
Syntax: hbacmd GetLunUnMaskByTarget <HBA WWPN> <Target WWPN> <Option>
Description: Queries for the presence of any unmasked LUNs by target.
HBA WWPN - World Wide Port Name of the HBA you wish to query
Target WWPN - World Wide Port Name of the target you wish to query
Option - 0 = Get information from driver, 1 = Get information from configuration
Syntax: hbacmd RescanLuns <HBA WWPN> <Target WWPN>
Description: Rescans for the presence of any LUNs.
HBA WWPN - World Wide Port Name of the HBA you wish to rescan
Target WWPN - World Wide Port Name of the target you wish to rescan
Syntax: hbacmd SetLunMask <HBA WWPN> <Target WWPN> <Option> <Lun> <LunCount>
Description: Masks the specified LUNs.
HBA WWPN - World Wide Port Name of the HBA
Target WWPN - World Wide Port Name of the target
Option - 0 = Send information to the driver, 1 = Send information to configuration (make persistent), 2 =
Send information to both
Lun - Starting LUN number
LunCount - Number of LUNs
MaskOp - A = Mask LUN, B = Clear unmask target level, C = Clear unmask HBA level, D = Unmask
LUN, E = Unmask target level, F = Unmask HBA level
Syntax: hbacmd AllNodeInfo <WWPN>
Description: Shows target node information for each target accessible by the HBA.
WWPN - World Wide Port Name of the HBA whose target node information you wish to view