Emerson Process Management GmbH & Co. OHG3-24
Instruction Manual
Signal: Comp1
OutRange: 0-20 mA
Low Scale: 0.00
Max Scale: 100.00
AutoScale: Yes
FailMode: Live
0/4 mA: 0.00
20 mA: 100.00
Hold: No
3.9 Checking the Settings
"0/4 mA" and „20 mA“ enable to netune the
analog output to compensate possible devia-
tions based on electronics tolerances:
• Set "Signal" to 0 mA or 20 mA
• measure the output current,
• adjust it to the expected value.
Accepted range: -10,000 ... +10,000
"Hold" selects the output´s behaviour during
If set to Yes,
• the analog output is xed to the last measu-
red value
• concentration alarms, which may otherwise
be triggered by the concentrations of the
calibration gases, are supressed.
If set to No,
• the analog output signal always corre-
sponds to the actual measured value during
calibration; this may trigger alarms if limits
are exceeded.
This behaviour may be undesireable if e.g.
the unit is connected to a data acquisition