Emerson Process Management GmbH & Co. OHG3-22
Instruction Manual
3.9 Checking the Settings
Next, select the output range:
• 0-20 mA (dead zero) generates a 20 mA
signal, if a concentration is measured at
the upper limit of the signal range. A 0 mA
signal is generated if the sample gas con-
centration equals the value specied with
"LowScale" .
• 4-20 mA (life zero): A 4 mA signal is gene-
rated if the concentration equals the value
specied with "Low Scale", thus enabling
to detect e.g. a broken cable.
"FailMode" selects the output´s behaviour un-
der failure conditions, considering or not, the
NAMUR recommendation NE 43.
Available options:
Track: NE 43 not considered; output always
correlates with the measured value.
HIGH + 10%: NE 43 failure signal level:
LOW - 10%: NE 43 failure signal level:
Further information on NE 43 is provided on
the next page.
If „Signal“ is assigned a concentration signal ,
and „Auto scale“ is set to No, in the next lines
enter the concentrations to output 0/4 mA
(„Low scale“) or 20 mA („High scale“).
If either „Auto scale“ is Yes, or „Signal“ not
assigned a concentration signal, the levels
are set with default values and not editable.
Signal: Comp1
OutRange: 0-20 mA
Low Scale: 0.00
Max Scale: 100.00
AutoScale: Yes
FailMode: Live
0/4 mA: 0.00
20 mA: 100.00
Hold: No