1-6 • E2 RX/BX/CX I&O Manual 026-1610 Rev 13 14-SEP-2011
the E2 that enables communication.
1.4.3 Interconnection With Other
In large installations where more than one refrigeration
system is present, or where E2s are controlling both refrig-
eration and building HVAC systems in the same site, the
E2s share information with each other across either the
Echelon Network or via Ethernet.
1.5 Documentation Over-
The E2 RX and BX controllers are among the most
versatile and customizable control system products avail-
able on the market. Because of the enhanced capabilities
of the E2s, programming, installation, and operation of E2
and its accompanying peripherals are supported by several
different Retail Solutions publications. All of the publica-
tions listed below can be ordered by contacting Retail
• E2 Installation and Operation Manual for RX
Refrigeration, BX HVAC, and CX Convenience
Store Controllers (026-1610) - The manual you are
currently reading. The Installation and Operation
Manual covers hardware installation, network
setup, and important operator functions such as
viewing status screens or logs, and performing
manual defrosts.
The Quick Start section (Chapter 8) is designed to
guide you quickly through setup of the most simple
and vital refrigeration control applications (such as
suction groups and condensers). More detailed
information is included in the online help.
• Router and Repeater Installation Guide (P/N 026-
1605) - If you have a large site with 64 or more
devices on the Echelon Network, you might require
the use of a router or repeater to properly set up
your Echelon Network. The Router and Repeater
Installation Guide will help you determine when a
router or repeater should be used, how and where to
set it up, and how to configure the E2(s) on the net-
work to interact with the router or repeater.
• Emerson Retail Solutions Product Technical
Sheet Binder (P/N 026-1904) - The product sheet
binder gives important installation information
about sensors, transducers, thermostats, and other
essential items that are a part of every Retail Solu-
tions control network. The product sheet binder is
not necessary for field installation instructions;
however, it may be a useful reference for contrac-
tors and OEMs who require more information about
a specific peripheral.
• MultiFlex ESR Installation and Operation Man-
ual (P/N 026-1720) - From general information to
details on mounting, wiring, and heat dissipation,
the MultiFlex ESR manual provides the informa-
tion you need to install and operate the MultiFlex
ESR board, in addition to valuable information on
software setup and valve control.
Figure 1-4
- E2 RX/BX Network
Echelon Box-To-Box
Ethernet Box-To-Box
ECHELON CABLE (daisy chain)