The E2 Home Screen Operator’s Guide to Using the E2 • 12-1
12 Operator’s Guide to Using the E2
12.1 The E2 Home Screen
The Main Status or Home screen (Figure 12-1 and
Figure 12-2) is divided into sections that display the cur-
rent status in areas of importance in the system (i.e., for
RX: suction groups, compressor stages active, circuits,
condensers, sensor control, and for BX: OAT, demand
control, power monitoring, light schedules, zones, AHUs,
and sensor control). Time, date, and alarm status are dis-
played along the top of the screen. The display is backlit,
but turns off to save energy after a determined amount of
time. Press any key to bring the display back up.
The Home screen acts as a master and default screen
for all the functions of E2 and can be customized accord-
ing to the user’s needs (see Section 12.5, Customizing the
Home Screen).
12.1.1 RX Home Screen
Suction Groups Section
The first section of the RX Home screen is the Suction
Groups section located in the top left corner. The large let-
ters have the name of Suction Group 1 along with infor-
mation on compressor stages active, and the current
pressure setpoint. Setpoints, status, percentages of capaci-
ties, and which stages are active for each suction group are
displayed as well. The suction group that is displayed in
the large block at the top left of the screen is the group that
is named alphabetically first of the suction groups.
Circuit Status Section
To the right of the Suction Groups section is the Circuit
Status section. Both the Standard Circuits and the Case
Controllers are listed in this screen. The circuit names,
their current status, and temperatures are listed.
Condenser Section
This section is located at the bottom left of the screen
and contains information on the status of the condenser,
such as the discharge setpoint and individual fan states.
Sensor Control
Below the Circuits section at the bottom right of the
screen is the Sensor Control section where Control Value
and Command information are displayed.
12.1.2 BX Home Screen
OAT Section
The upper-left hand section of the BX Home screen
contains status information for four different values,
including outside air temperature, humidity percentage,
season, and light level.
Demand Control Section
Directly below the OAT section is demand control sta-
tus information, which shows the number of applications
and number of loads being shed.
Figure 12-1
- RX Home Screen
Figure 12-2 - BX Home Screen
Function Button Index (5)
Outside Air Temperature
Outside Humidity
Light Level
Demand Control
Power Monitoring
Sensor Control
Air Handling Units
Light Schedules