Configuration, Startup and Operation 69
888Xi Advanced Electronics Instruction Manual Section 3: Configuration, Startup and Operation
PN 51-6888Xi December 2012
5. From the ANALOG OUTPUT menu, select TRIM mA OUTPUT.
6. In the first screen, a “Loop should be removed from automatic control” warning occurs.
Remove the 6888Xi from any automatic controls loops to avoid a potentially dangerous
operating condition. Press OK when ready.
7. Follow the prompts on the 6888Xi display to perform the trim.
8. Use the stylus on the screen to enter the new measured analog output value then press
ENTER to accept.
9. When trim is complete, press OK to return to the ANALOG OUTPUT menu.
FIGURE 3-8. D/A Trim Methods, Simplified
Failure to remove the 6888Xi from automatic control loops prior to performing this procedure may
result in a dangerous operating condition.