Configuration, Startup and Operation 55
888Xi Advanced Electronics Instruction Manual Section 3: Configuration, Startup and Operation
PN 51-6888Xi December 2012
spond with Lo Gas and Hi Gas, respectively. Care must be taken to ensure the test gas values are
roperly matched and the test gases are plumbed correctly to the SPS4001B or IMPS. Failure to
do so may cause errors on the calibration serquence or trigger an error if tolerance check is set on.
A 6888Xi shipped from the factory has the tolerance check set to No. This same process must be
performed any time an I/O Board is replaced.
Setting Tolerance Check Using the 6888Xi Keypad/Display
1. Press the MENU button repeatedly until the IOB1 Probe 1 menu displays.
2. From the main menu, select DETAILED SETUP then press ENTER.
3. From the DETAILED SETUP menu, select CALIBRATION then press ENTER.
4. From the CALIBRATION menu, select TOL CHECK then press ENTER.
5. Press the RIGHT arrow key to edit the value.
No – Tolerance Check active
Yes – Tolerance Check inactive
Use the UP and DOWN arrow keys to change the value from NO to YES or YES to NO. Press
ENTER to save the new value. Press the LEFT arrow key to return to the CALIBRATION menu.
6. Press the EXIT key to return to the main menu.
7. Repeat steps 1 through 6 for PROBE 2 if configured for dual channel.
Setting Tolerance Check Using Field Communicator in Manual Configure Mode
1. Use the 375/475 Field Communicator to access the main HART menu.
2. From the main menu, select CONFIGURE.
3. From the CONFIGURE menu, select MANUAL SETUP.
4. From the MANUAL SETUP menu, select CALIBRATION.
5. From the CALIBRATION menu, select TOLERANCE CHECK.
6. Press the RIGHT arrow key to change the value from NO to YES or YES to NO.
No – Tolerance Check active
Yes – Tolerance Check inactive
Use the stylus on the screen to press ENTER when finished.
7. Use the stylus on the screen to select SEND to update the 6888Xi.
3.7.5 Alarm Relay Output Configuration
The 6888Xi has two dry contact Form-C alarm relay output signals that can be configured in
multiple modes through the 6888Xi keypad display or the 375/475 Field Communicator. A list
of modes is shown in Table 3-3. Each alarm relay output can be configured separately and one
or all modes can be turned on in any combination.
Mode Configuration
No Alarm All modes set to OFF
Unit Alarm
The alarm output is configured for a Unit Alarm (i.e. any alarm that affects heater operation).
These alarms are non-recoverable and require a power cycle or service to clear
Low O2 The alarm output is configured for Low O2 Alarm
Cal Recommended The alarm output is configured for a Calibration Recommended Alarm
In Calibration The alarm output is configured for an In Calibration indication
Heater Relay The alarm output is configured for Flame Safety Interlock
Table 3-3 - Alarm Relay Output Configurations