Reference Manual
00809-0100-2230, Rev BB
August 2014
Rosemount 2230
Section 4. Configuration and Operation
Function Check Alarms
A Function Check alarm indicates that the device is temporary non-valid due
to some activities, for example maintenance, on the device.
There are five parameters associated with FD_CHECK_ALM, they are
described below.
The FD_CHECK_MAP parameter contains a list of informative conditions
that do not have a direct impact on the primary functions of the device.
Below is a list of the conditions:
1. Check function
The FD_CHECK_MASK parameter will mask any of the failed conditions
listed in FD_CHECK_MAP. A bit on means the condition is masked out
from alarming and being broadcast to the host through the alarm
FD_CHECK_PRI designates the alarming priority of the
FD_CHECK_ALM, see “Alarm Priority” on page 4-32. The default is 0 and
the recommended values are 1 or 2.
The FD_CHECK_ACTIVE parameter displays which of the conditions is
FD_CHECK_ALM is an alarm indicating that the device output is
temporary invalid due to on-going work on the device.
4.12.4 Recommended
Actions for Alerts
display text strings that will give a recommended course of action to take
based on which type and which specific event of the alerts that is active (See
Table 5-11 on page 5-16).
4.12.5 Alarm Priority Alarms are grouped into five levels of priority:
Table 4-7. Alarm level priority
Priority Number Priority Description
0 The priority of an alarm condition changes to 0 after the condition that
caused the alarm is corrected.
1 An alarm condition with a priority of 1 is recognized by the system, but is
not reported to the operator.
2 An alarm condition with a priority of 2 is reported to the operator, but does
not require operator attention (such as diagnostics and system alerts).
3-7 Alarm conditions of priority 3 to 7 are advisory alarms of increasing priority.
8-15 Alarm conditions of priority 8 to 15 are critical alarms of increasing priority.