Reference Manual
00809-0100-2230, Rev BB
August 2014
Rosemount 2230
Section 4. Configuration and Operation
Out of Specification Alarms
An Out of Specification alarm indicates that the device operates out of the
specified measurement range. If the condition is ignored, the device will
eventually fail. There are five parameters associated with
FD_OFFSPEC_ALM, they are described below.
The FD_OFFSPEC_MAP parameter contains a list of conditions indicating
that the device or some part of the device operates out of specification.
Below is a list of the conditions with the highest priority first. This priority is
not the same as the FD_OFFSPEC_PRI parameter described below. It is
hard coded within the device and is not user configurable.
Below is a list of the conditions:
1. Invalid Model Code
2. Internal Temperature Out of Limits
3. MAO Fault State Mode Enabled
The FD_OFFSPEC_MASK parameter will mask any of the failed
conditions listed in FD_OFFSPEC_MAP. A bit on means that the condition
is masked out from alarming and being broadcast to the host through the
alarm parameter.
This parameter designates the alarming priority of the
FD_OFFSPEC_ALM, see “Alarm Priority” on page 4-32. The default is 0
and the recommended values are 3 to 7.
The FD_OFFSPEC_ACTIVE parameter displays which of the conditions is
detected as active.
An alarm indicating that the device operates out of the specified
measurement range. If the condition is ignored, the device will eventually