ConneCted Careers
Career CreaTion and STarTup
CreaTe a player or CoaCh
Choose to begin your career as a player or coach. The player option allows
you to create a new player, take over as a current NFL star, or play with a
NFL Legend of the past. Playing as a coach gives you a chance to control
your entire franchise from top to bottom on your quest to craft a Super Bowl
championship team.
game FaCe
Take photos of yourself or your friends and create a digital double that plays
Madden NFL 13
. Use a digital camera or similar device to take the photos,
and upload the image(s) to www.easports.com/gameface/overview and the
Madden NFL 13
software to import your Game Face from the site. You may
use Game Face to create profile pictures of created players or coaches. You
can only have one GameFace at any one time.
ChooSe From aCTive player/CoaCh
Before beginning your career, you need to decide your starting point. The
Select NFL Player and Select NFL Coach options allow you to resume the
career of any NFL player or coach, while the Select NFL Legend and Football
Legend options give you a chance to relive the career of an all-time great
starting from his rookie season.
SeleCT Team
If you begin your career as a new player, you’ll be able to choose your
position and then select a team to play for. Before making your decision,
you’ll be able to view information about each team, such as their Offense and
Defense rankings, overall ranking, previous season record, and how much
salary cap room they have.
SeleCT baCkSTory
Determine your player or coach’s backstory. There are three backstories
to choose from, and each of them gives your player or coach a different
personality, in addition to altering how hard you’ll have to work to become
number one. Your backstory determines your initial ratings and expectations
when it comes to XP and goals.
ediT Career/Career SeTup
Adjust the career settings before your character takes the field. Highlight any
adjustable option to view a description. These settings can have a significant
impact on your game. When everything is to your liking, select START CAREER
to begin.
goalS and xp
pro Tip
Not meeting your level 2 season goals will get you fired as a coach or
cause your ratings to drop as a player, so make sure you work hard to
achieve this level!
XP is the currency you earn by achieving your goals and practicing
throughout the season. XP will allow you to buy packages that will boost
your players’ attributes.
buy paCkageS
Packages contain attribute boosts that you may add to your player to
improve his performance. You may purchase packages with the XP you earn.
weekly goalS
Goals assigned for that given week. There are three assigned each week.
SeaSon goalS
Goals that are generated based upon your draft status and previous success.
There are 4 tiers of goals you can earn that get progressively harder, but
earn you more XP.
Team goalS
Team Goals are available when playing CCM as a coach. There are four tiers
of goals, each more difficult and rewarding than the last. Keep your team’s
performance high to complete Team Goals.
mileSTone goalS
Work hard to reach long-term milestone goals. These goals will take skill and
longevity to reach, but you’ll be rewarded with more XP.
Career navigaTion
newS CenTer
No matter who you are, you’re going to make the news over the course of
your career, whether for accomplishments or trades. To truly stay in control
of your career, you must keep on top of the news and rumors.
The news that appears over the course of your career will be relevant to
your current status and future prospects. As you perform in games and
gain the attention of the country, you’ll appear in the news. Use the news
to judge your progress in the eyes of the NFL and the fans. The Twitter feed
and Main Menu will have all the latest news on scores, injuries, trades, and
more. Check back often to stay abreast of any new developments.