What’s neW
Madden nFL 13
The ConneCTed Career experienCe
You’ve never played a career mode like this. Connected Careers gives you an
unprecedented level of control over your career as a coach or a player. Get
ready for the deepest
Madden NFL
experience ever.
TouCh SCreen play Calling
Call your plays by using the Touch Screen on the GamePad for even more
control and privacy!
TouCh SCreen pre-play adjuSTmenTS
Make Hot Route adjustments during pre-play on both Offense and Defense
using the Touch Screen.
deTaChed mode
As much fun as it is to play
Madden NFL 13
on the big screen, sometimes you
have to share the television with others. On those occasions simply activate
Detached Mode by pressing and holding the - Button for three seconds, and
continue your game right on the Wii U GamePad. The Touch Screen is disabled
while in Detached mode, and changing the Touch Screen features and
Playcall Location settings will have no effect on game play.
game FaCe
You’ve played the game, now get in the game. Take a digital photo of your
face and use it as your created player’s profile photo!
ToTal paSSing ConTrol
Lead receivers and put the ball exactly where it needs to be with the
revamped and updated Total Control Passing mechanic.
play-aCTion aborT
For the first time ever, you can abort out of a play action animation in the
face of a blitz, allowing your QB to throw a quick pass.
new uSer CaTCh FunCTionaliTy
Madden NFL 13
makes it easier than ever to select the receiver and make a
play on the ball.
gridiron Club
Get all the latest Madden features in one place, including Madden Moments
Live, and updated rosters that match the real NFL Season.
GeneraL Menu
NOTE: The Nunchuk is required when using the Wii Remote. Controls specific
to the Nunchuk will not function when it is not connected to an active
Wii Remote. If the Nunchuk is removed or disconnected from any active
Wii Remote, the game will display an icon representing the missing Nunchuk.
Plug the Nunchuk back into the Wii Remote to dismiss this icon.
Progress or select A Button A Button
Back or cancel B Button B Button
RightFilter (spreadsheets) ZR Button C Button
Left Filter (spreadsheets) ZL Button Z Button
Toggle Page Headings L/R Buttons +Control Pad left/right
In certain situations, the Wii Remote and Nunchuk navigation controls may
vary from what is displayed here. Please consult the on-screen commands for
further clarification in these instances.
1 madden nFl 13
2 whaT’S new in
madden nFl 13
3 general menu navigaTion
9 uSer inTerFaCe
11 pauSe menu
12 ConneCTed CareerS
16 ea online
17 online game modeS
17 my madden
19 diSClaimerS