
www.ArmyofTwo.comArmy of TWO™ The Devil’s Cartel
Select MISSIONS from the Main menu to launch a solo campaign, play co-op with a partner
on splitscreen, or play co-op online.
Solo and SPlitScreen co-oP
Army of TWO The Devil’s Cartel lets you tackle a solo campaign or use the splitscreen
feature to play with a co-op partner. Once you have selected either of these options from
the Missions menu, select CONTINUE to start from your last saved checkpoint, SELECT
MISSION to choose a mission, or NEW to launch a new game. For co-op splitscreen, you
have the option to add a second player at this point.
SelectinG a MiSSion
To choose a mission, enter the Select Mission menu. Here, you may select the missions
and contracts you’ve unlocked while progressing through the campaign. After selecting a
mission, choose a chapter to advance to the Start Game menu.
The Start Game menu allows you to change your weapon loadout or customize your
operative. You can also adjust the difficulty by pressing the SELECT button while viewing
the Start Game menu. Note that in split-screen and online game modes players can choose
to play with different difficulty settings. Once you’re ready, select START GAME to begin the
mission. You may access any mission you’ve already completed. For example, if you join a
Friend’s game to complete the fifth mission online but have yet to reach the fourth mission
locally, then you cannot play missions four or five until you complete mission three. Any
mission you’ve already completed, following the campaign chronologically, is available for
play or replay.
online co-oP
You must be signed into Sony Entertainment Network to play an online co-op game. Select
QUICK MATCH to join a quick match, FIND GAME to locate a game, HOST GAME to host
your own game, CONTINUE to pick up where you left off, or HOST PRIVATE GAME to host a
game that only invited Friends can join.
MiSSion inforMation
During a mission, an icon indicates the position of your next objective. Your next objective
may be the entrance to the building, a place where you will regroup with your squad, or an
exit, among other things. Pause the game to view chapter objectives.
SavinG and loadinG
Your progress is automatically saved throughout the game. When you log into the game,
you have the option to continue from your last unlocked chapter, select a mission, or launch
a new game.
While you’re in-game, you can restart from the last checkpoint you reached. Once you quit,
however, you lose any progression you’ve made since you began the chapter.