www.ArmyofTwo.comArmy of TWO™ The Devil’s Cartel
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Whenever you and your partner focus on the same target by shooting at him
simultaneously, you get a tag team bonus.
co-oP coMbo
Surprise/Decoy, Flank/Bait, and Tag Team are all considered co-op actions. Whenever you
and your partner perform more than one of these in rapid succession, you receive extra
points for achieving co-op combos!
MiSSion StatuS
After each chapter, Mission Status shows your Chapter Overview, which summarizes
the current earnings, rank, and the best team player. Press the S button to see your
money, rank, and unlocks. Press the SELECT button to skip the Mission Status pages.
You can also view the best team players, a sample of the leaderboards for the completed
chapter, and your weapons loadout. You can also access this information by selecting
TWO PROFILE from the Main menu.
Whether you play a solo or co-op campaign, the Army of TWO The Devil’s Cartel experience is
all about working with your partner to successfully complete missions. In a solo campaign,
you control Alpha while your partner is Bravo, an AI character. In a co-op campaign, the
host is designated Alpha and the client Bravo.
Hold the F button to set up a co-op action and wait for your partner to join you. Co-op
actions include breaching a door or giving your partner a boost over a wall. Once you are in
the waiting position to set up the co-op action, release the F button.
An icon appears when you can perform a step-jump with your partner. This involves giving
your partner a boost so he can jump onto higher ground or over a wall. Hold the F button
to set up and perform this action. Though your partner may be able to pull you up with him,
sometimes you’ll have to find another way around.