Crestron PAC2 Professional Automation Computer
Send Generic Files-permit you to choose between internal flash and compact flash
when selecting programs/files for processing.
A new SIMPL Windows command File | Copy Output to Compact Flash copies a
compiled SIMPL Windows program (SPZ) file) to a compact flash reader/writer on a
PC. Click Browse to locate the SPZ file; select the drive letter of the CF
reader/writer from the drop-down list. Click OK to copy the file.
Advanced Console Commands
The SIMPL Windows online help file provides a full listing of console commands
that are valid for 2-Series control systems. You can access the PAC2 console in a
variety of ways: via a serial connection (RS-232) with a PC, over Ethernet via the
LAN port, or through Telnet, among many other methods. It is also possible to issue
console commands through logic, by adding a Console symbol to the SIMPL
Windows program.
The Console symbol is only visible in the Symbol Library when Special is selected
as the Symbol Set. Click Edit | Preferences. In the Symbol Set area of the General
tab, select Special as shown below.
"SIMPL Windows Preferences" Window
Special Symbols are intended for advanced programmers and Crestron employees. If
questions arise from using a special symbol, contact Crestron customer service.
Console commands are provided for advanced programmers. However, most
functions and commands can be selected from the various Viewport menus.
NOTE: For more information on console commands, refer to the 2-Series Console
Commands Reference Guide, (latest version of Doc. 6002) available from the
Downloads | Product Manuals section of the Crestron website (www.crestron.com
Console Commands for Compact Flash
The following commands are provided to enable processing functions for compact
flash files/programs:
• CFAUTORUN - Enable the program to autoboot from compact flash.
• CFPROJDIRS - Display a list of project directories on compact flash.
• CFTRANSFER - Transfer a project to/from compact flash.
• MAKEDIR - Create a file directory on compact flash.
• REMOVEDIR - Remove a file directory on compact flash.
Operations Guide – Doc. 5941 Professional Automation Computer: PAC2 • 29