Crestron PAC2 Professional Automation Computer
With TCP/IP, type the IP address of the PAC2.
If the panel is connected directly to a COM port on the PC, select Serial as
the connection type and check Send directly to touchpanel.
To communicate directly to an Ethernet touchpanel, select TCP/IP as the
connection type, enter the IP address of the panel (not the PAC2) and select
Send directly to touchpanel.
3. Click Upload to begin the file transfer. If the control system already has a
program installed in memory, you will be prompted to save that program to
disc. To save the program, click Yes and browse to the directory where you
want to save the SPZ file.
As files are transferred, first to the control system and then to touchpanels,
D3 Pro will display a progress bar.
In applications that do not include wireless panels, D3 Pro will display the
progress bar as it uploads each project to every selected touchpanel. In
applications that do include wireless panels, D3 Pro will interrupt the
upload process and prompt you to select the NET ID of the wireless panel.
This is the temporary Cresnet ID that is used solely for uploading, and is not
used during normal program operation.
4. After transfer, D3 Pro will display information about each file, including the
filename and status, i.e., successful or not successful. If any file to be
transferred matches what is currently in the device, the Status field will
display the message: "No need to upload."
Compiling and Uploading a SIMPL Windows
Program to the PAC2
After you have completed your SIMPL Windows program you must compile and
upload the program to the PAC2.
To compile the program, simply click the Convert/Compile button
on the
SIMPL Windows toolbar, or select Project | Convert/Compile (you can also press
F12). A status bar will indicate the progress of the compile operation. After the
operation is complete, a window will display information about the program such as
the number and type of signals, and memory usage.
The compiled program will be stored as an SPZ file in the same directory as the
source file. There are a number of ways to upload an SPZ file to the PAC2. When
any of the options is selected, a “Send Program” window appears (refer to graphic on
next page).
Operations Guide – Doc. 5941 Professional Automation Computer: PAC2 • 25