$AE Viscesi_y Grades
Air cooled engines run hotter than automotive engines. The
use of multi-viscosity oil such as (10W-30, etc.) in ambient
temperatures above 40°F (4°C) wiii result in higher than
normal oil consumption. If multi-viscosity oil is used, check
the oil level more frequently to prevent any posssible en-
gine damage due to lack or lubrication.
Use of SAES0 oii below 40°F (4°C) wiii result in hard start-
ing and possible engine damage due to inadequate lubri-
Lew Oil Shutdown
Your Craftsman generator engine is equipped with Low
Oil Shutdown. Low Oil Shutdown is a safetydevice
designed to protect your engine from damage in the
event the oil level in the crankcase is low.
If while the engine is running, the oil gets low, it wiii
automatically shut itself down and wiii not restart until the
oil is added. If the oil is low before start-up, the genera-
tor wiii not start until oil is added.
NOTE: The Low Oil Shutdown mechanism is very sensi-
tive. You must fill the engine to the full mark on the
dipstick to inactivate this safety device.
Your generator engine is 4 cycle. Use unleaded fuel only.
Never mix oil with gasoline.
CAUTION: Never fiii fuel tank completely. Fiii tank to
1/2" below the bottom of the filler neck to provide
space for fuel expansion. Wipe any fuel spillage from
engine and equipment before starting engine.
WARNING: Neverfill fuel tank indoors. Never fill fuel
tank when engine is running or hoL Do not smoke
when filling fuel tank.
Use clean, fresh, regular unleaded gasoline with a mini-
mum of 85 octane. Do not mix oil with gasoline. If unleaded
fuel is not available, leaded fuel may be used.
To Start Your Generater
CAUTION: Never run engine indoors or in enclosed, 1
poor ventilated areas, engine exhaust contains car-
bon monoxide, an ordoriess and deadly gas.
Make sure the fuel shutoff valve isturned to the open posi-
o Remove gas cap
Add unleaded gasoline, slowly, to fuel tank.
Do not overfiii.
On the engine there is a choke/run lever. Place lever
Throttle is factory seL
Grasp the starter grip and pull slowly until resistance
is felt, then pull firmly to start engine.
o When engine starts, gradually move choke lever to
RUN position.
If engine does not start after 5 pulls, place choke
back to run position.
For hot engine starts make sure choke lever is in
the run position. Make sure fuel shut off valve is open.
12 -- ENG