Your generator is equipped with dupbx 120 voit receptacb
a 120 twbfiock and a 120/240 voit twisfiock receptacb.
The unit is ariseequipped with a 15 amp circuit breaker for
the dupbx 120 voit receptacbs, a 15 amp circuit breaker
for the 120 voit twistiock receptacb and a 15 amp circuit
breaker for the 120/240 voit twisdock receptacb. If the cir-
cuit breaker trips, unpiug aHebctrbai Headsfrom the gen-
erator. Letthe circuit breaker cooi down. Push circuit breaker
button to reset.
@ @
120V 120/240V 12V1OA DO
120V 15A
(Combined total
from both outlets)
240V 20A
120V 20A / 120V 20A
Your Craftsman generator has a full power switch on the
controi panel This switch has two positions: 120 VOLT
ONLY, and 120/240 VOLT.
120 Position
When placed in the 120 position, (Shown below) every re-
ceptacb on the panel will be converted to a 120 volt recep-
tacb. 240-volt power is not available. This position allows
full capacity of the generator to be received by using all
120-volt receptacles. While in the 120 position, each re-
ceptacb has the ability to reach the maximum 4650 surge
wattage for inductive motors that require 4650 watts or be-
low to start.
120V 120/240V
1201240 Position
When in the 120/240 position, (Shown Below) only half of
the 3750 watts carl be received when using the 120-volt
receptacles and the 120/240-volt twistlock receptacle will
be converted to allow the full 3750 watts to be received
from this one receptacle. Also in this position, the 120-volt
receptacles will only reach a maximum of 4650 surge watts.
120V 120/240V
Exceeding the rated capacity of your generator carl
result in serious damage to your generator and connected
electrical devices. You should observe the following to
prevent overloading the unit:
Starting and running wattage requirements must be
calculated to match your generator wattage capacity.
Resistive load appliances such as light bulbs, TV's
and microwaves, have the same starting and running
wattage. The wattage used for calculating the capacity
can usually be found on each of these appliances.
Some inductive appliances and tools wiii iist on the motor
name plate, the starting and running voltage and amperage
requirements. Use the following formula to convert voltage
and amperage to wattage:
_Volts X Amp = Watts}
Inductive load appliances and tools such as refrigerators,
air compressors and washers require approximately 2 to
4 times the listed running wattage for starting the equip-
ment. This initial load only lasts for a few seconds on
start-up but isvery important when figuring your total
wattage to be used.
NOTE: Always start your largest electric motor first, and
then plug in other items, one at a time.
The guide below is provided to assist you in determining
the appliances and tools that can be ran with the wattage
capacity of your generator.
10 -- ENG