5 HP 14" TILLER - - MODEL NUMBER 917.299751
34 261044 Valve, Intake 306 221511
35 260552 Spring, Intake Valve 307 93490
36 26478 Spring, ExhaustValve 308 221512
37 222443 Guard, Fiywhee! 333 397358
40 93312 Retainer, Valve Spring 335 93414
45 260642 Tappet, Valve 337 802592
46 212733 Gear, Cam 346 93705
52 271936 * Gasket, CarburetorMounting (2) 356 398808
55 299431 Housing, Rewind Starter 358 397145
56 295871 Pulley, Rewind Starter 363 19069
(Includes 63 Long Rope)
57 490179 Spring, Rewind Starter 373 92987
58 66884 Rope, Rewind Starter 383 89838
59 490653 insert, Starter Handle 392 262328
60 490652 Handle, Rewind Starter 394 270026
65 94!28 Screw, Seres, Stamped Steel Housing 414 220982
Mounting 432 221377
66 399671 Clutch Assembly, Rewind Starter 433 93265
67 394897 Housing, Starter Clutch 434 2t 0959
68 63770 Bell, Clutch 435 93141
70 298799 Ratchet, Rewind Starter 467 280715
71 394506 Washer, Clutch Retainer 526 94409
73 221923 Screen, Starter Pulley 527 223786
74 93758 Screw, Hex Head 528 231550
75 224061 Washer, Spring 529 67838
81 222263 Lock,Screw 536 494279
90 49261! CarburetorAssembly 542 93572
95 93499 Screw, Seres, ThrottleValve to Shaft 552 23t079
96 223793 Throttle, Carburetor 562 92613
97 490048 Shaft and Lever,Throttle 592 231082
108 491177 Valve Group, Choke 608 390463
118 231533 Valve, Needle 611 391813
124 93357 Screw, Hex Head 613 93935
127 220352 Plug, Welch 614 93306
127A 223789 Plug, Welch, Mixing Chamber 615 93307
t49 26336 Spring, Needle Valve 616 231077
152 260575 Spring, ThrottleAdjustment 621 396847
t53 490589 Screw Assembly 634 271853
154 93527 Screw, Machine, Round Head 635 66538
#5-40 x 5/'8" 655 222598
163 271935 Gasket, Air Cleaner Mounting 676 393757
180 490554 Tank Assembly, Fuel 679 270382
18t 494559 Cap, Fuel Tank 680 221839
190 94094 Screw, Seres,Fuel Tank Mounting 741 261696
191 272410 * Gasket, Fuel Tank Mounting 851 221798
200 223886 Guide, Air 869 211787
201 262280 Link, Governor 870 211172
202 262270 Link,Throttle
202A 262470 Link,Throttle 871 262001
203 280720 Crank, Bell 63709
204 222962 Bushing, Governor Lever, Flat
205 231520 Screw, Shoulder 916 280321
209 262282 Spring,Governor 966 490074
216 262359 Link, Choke 967 491588
219 391737 Gear, Governor 968 223765
220 221551 Washer, Thrust 969 490073
222 490648 Bracket, Control 971 94018
223 223455 Lever, GovernorControl 987 398970
224 93491 Rivet, Governor ControlLeverMounting 995 491577
227 490374 Lever Assembly, Governor 1012 490507
230 222450 Washer, Governor Lever 10t6 490817
256 223813 Crank, Bell 1019 491100
257 93543 Screw, Sems, FillisterHead
300 393615 Muffler, Exhaust
304 490169 Housing, Blower
305 93158 Screw,Blower Housing Mounting
Shield, Cylinder
Screw, Seres, Cylinder ShieldMnt,,
Cover, Cylinder Head
Armature Assembly
Screw, Sems, Armature Mounting
Plug, Spark
Screw, Sems
Wire, Ground
Gasket Set
Flywheel Puller
(Optional Accessory)
Nut, Hex
Wrench, Spark Plug
Spring, Fuel PumpDfaphragm
Cap, Spring
Pin, Diaphragm Cover
Cover, Diaphragm
Screw, Diaphragm Cover
Knob, Control
Screw, Seres, Tank Bracket Mnto
Clamp, Breather Tube
Tube, Breather
Grommet, Breather Tube
Air Cleaner Kit
Bushing,Governor Crank, 1/4" IoD.
Bolt, Governor Lever
Nut, Hex #!0-24
Starter Assembly, Rewind
Fuel Pipe and Clip Assembly
Screw, Hex Head, Shoulder
Cotter, Hair Pin
Retainer, E-Ring
Crank Governor, 1/4" Diameter
Switch, Stop
Washer, Throttle Shaft, Foam
Elbow, Spark Plug
Anchor Spring
ueflector, Exhaust, Side Outlet
Washer, Choke Shaft, Foam
Washer, Choke Shaft, Brass
Gear, Timing
Cable, Temminal, Ignition
Seat, Intake Valve, Standard
Seat, Exhaust Valve, Standard (See
Repair Manual For Options)
Guide, Exhaust Valve
Guide, Intake Valve
ee Repair InstructionManual)
ear Rack, Governor
Base, Air Cleaner
Cover, Air Cleaner
Screw, Cover Mnt. (lncl. Grommet)
Screw, Air Cleaner
Seal, Throttle Shaft
Label Kit
*Indicates Parts included In Gasket Set (397145)
NOTE: Allcomponentdimensions given In U,Soinches
1 inch = 254 mm