Will not start
Hard to start
1, Outoffuel.
2 Enginenot "CHOKED" properly,
3, Engine flooded,
4, Dirty air cleaner
5, Water In fuel,
6, Clogged fuel tank
7, Loose spark plugwire
8, Bad sparkplug or Improper gap,
9., Carburetor outof adfustment
1_ Throttle controlnot set properly,
2, Dirty air cleaner,
3 Bad spark plug or improper gap,
4, Stale or dirty fuel
5. Loosespark plugwire.
6 Carburetor outof adjustment,
1, Fill fuel tank.
2, See "TO START ENGINE" inOperation section.
3, Watt several minutes before attempting to start
4o Replace air cleaner cartridge,
5, Drain fuel tank and carburetor, and refill tank with fresh
6 Remove fuel tank and clean_
7_ Make sure spark plug wire Isseated properly on plug
8. Replace spark plug or adjust gap.
9, Make necessary edjustments_
1. Place throttlecontrol fn=FAST" position,
2, Replace air cleaner cartridge,
3, Replace spark plug or adjust gap,
4, Drain fuel tank and refill wlth fresh gasoline.
5. Make sure spark pfug wire Is seated propertyon plug,
6. Make necessary adjustments,
Loss of power
1,. Engine Is overloaded
2, Dirty aircIeaner,
3, Low oilleve!/dirty oil.
4, Faulty spark plug,
5. O11infuel,
6o Stale or dirtyfuel.
7r Water In fuel,
8 Cfogged fuel tank,
9, Spark plugwire loose.,
10o Dirty engine alr screen,
11. Dtrtytclogged muffler.
t4 Set depth stake for shallower tilling
2, Replace air cleaner cad.ridge,
3, Check ollleveltchange oi!.
4o Clean and regap or change spark plug,
5, Drain and clean fuel tank and refill, and clean carburetor,
6, Drain fuel tank and reft{Iwithfresh gasoline
7, Drain fuel tank and carburetor, and refIlt tank with fresh
8, Remove fuel tank and clean,
9, Connect andtighten spark plug wire
10. Clean engine air screen.,
11, Clean!replace muffler,
Excessive bounce/
difficult handling
Soil balls up or clumps
Engine rune but tiller
won't move
Engine runs but labors
when tllllng
Tines wlll not rotate
12. Carburetor out of adjustment
13. Poorcompressfon.
1, Ground toodry and hard,
1. Ground too wet,
1, Drive control bar Isnot engaged.
2. V-belt not correctly adjusted,
3. V-belt Isoffpulley(s),
1, Tilling too deep,
2 Throttle control not properly adjusted.
3 Carburetor out ofadjustment
Shear pin(s) broken
12,. Make necessary adjustments
13, Contact an authorized service center,
I, Moisten ground or welt for more favorable soil
1. Waltformorefavorable sellconditions,
1, Engage drive control
2, Inspect/adjust V-belL
3. inspect V-beltr
1- Set depth stake for shallower tilling,
2, Check throttle control setting,
3, Make necessary adjustments,
!. Replace shear pin(s),