CJean_epJace Spark PJu9
Changethe spark piug every 100 hours of operation or once
eachyear, whichevercomes first. This wifl help your engine
to start easierand run better.
1. Cleanareaaround spark piug.
2. Removeand inspect spark piug.
3. Checkelectrodegap with wire feeler gaugeand set
spark plug gap to 0.030 inch (0.76ram) if necessary.
2. Removefour screwsthat attachspark arrestorscreen(C).
4. Replacespark plug if electrodesare pitted, burned or
porcelain is cracked. Use arecommended replacement
5. Install spark plug and tighten firmly.
NOTE:Youcan purchasea newspark plug by calling
Ctean Spark Attester Screen
Theengine exhaust muffler hasa sparkarrestor screen.
Inspectand cleanthe screen every 100 hours of operation or
once eachyear,whichever comes first.
NOTE:Youcan purchasea newspark arrester screen by
calling 1-800-4-MY-HOME (469-4663).
If you useyour generatoron any forest-covered, brush-
covered,or grass-coveredunimproved iand, it must havea
spark arrestor.Thespark arrestor must be maintainedin good
condition bythe owner/operator.
_,_ Contactwith muffler areacan result in serious
Exhaustheat/gases can ignite combustibles,
structures or damagefuel tank causinga fire.
* DONOTtouchhotpartsandAVODhotexhaustgases.
, Allowequipmentto coolbeforetouching.
o Keepatleast5 feet(1.5m)ofclearanceonall sidesof
o Codeof Federa!Regulation(CFR)Title36 Parks,Forests,and
PublicPropertyrequireequipmentpoweredbyan internal
combustionengineto haveasparkattester,maintainedin
effectiveworkingorder,complyingto USDAForestservice
standard5100-1Cor laterrevision.IntheStateofCaliforniaa
sparkarresteris requiredundersection4442oftheCalifornia
Clean and inspect the spark arrestor as fellows:
1. To removemufflerheatshield(A) from muffler (B),
removefour screwsthat connectguardto muffler bracket.
3. Inspect screen andobtain a repiacementif torn,
perforated or otherwise damaged. DONOTusea
defectivescreen, if screenis not damaged,cleanit with
commercial soivent.
4. Reattachscreenand muffler guard.
Air Cooling System
Overtime debris may accumulatein cyiinder cooiing fins and
cannot be observed without partial engine disassembly. For
this reason,we recommendyou havea Searsor other
quaiifiedservice deaiercleanthe cooiing system (A) per
recommendedintervais (see MaintenanceSchedub). Equally
important is to keeptop of engine free from debris=See
Thecarburetor on this engine is iow emission, it is equipped
with a non-adjustable idle mixture valve and governed idJe,if
equipped. Governedidie and top speed havebeenset atthe
factory, if adjustment is required,seeany Searsor other
ualified dealer.
Excessivelyhigh operatingspeeds increase risk of injury
and damageto generator.
Excessivelyiow speeds impose a heavyioad.