This is a single cylinder, overheadvalve(OH\/), air cooled
engine, it is a iow emissions engine.
Inthe Stateof Caiifornia, Model200000 enginesare certified
by the California Air Resources Boardto meet emissions
standardsfor 250 hours. Such certification does not grant
the purchaser, owner or operator of this engine any
additiona] warranties with respectto the performance or
operational iife of this engine.Theengine is warrantedsolety
according to the product and emissions warranties stated
elsewherein this manual.
Power Ratings
Thegross power rating for individuai gas engine models is
labeledin accordancewith SAE(Societyof Automotive
Engineers)codeJ1940 (Small Engine Power & Torque
Rating Procedure),and rating performance hasbeen
obtained andcorrected in accordancewith SAEJ1995
(Revision2002=05).Torquevalues are derived at3060 RPM;
horsepower values arederivedat 3600 RPM.Actuai gross
engine power wiii be lower and is affected by, among other
things, ambient operating conditions and engine-to-engine
variability. Givenboth the wide array of products on which
enginesare piacedand the variety of environmentai issues
appiicabteto operatingthe equipment, the gas engine wiii not
developthe ratedgross power when used in a given pieceof
power equipment (actual "on-site"or net power). This
difference is due to a variety of factors including, but not
limited to, accessories (air cleaner, exhaust,charging,
cooling, carburetor, fuel pump, etc.), appiication iimitations,
ambient operating conditions (temperature,humidity,
altitude), and engine-to-engine variabiiity. Dueto
manufacturing and capacityiimitations, Briggs & Stratton
maysubstitute an engine of higher ratedpower for this
Generator $pe¢ificatiens
Starting Wattage ................. 8600 Watts (8.6 kW)
Wattage ........................ 5600 Watts (5.6 kW)
ACVoltage ........................... 120/240 Volts
AC Current
at 240 Volts ........................... 23.3 Amps
at 120 Volts ........................... 46.6 Amps
Frequency ........................ 60 Hzat 3600 rpm
Phase ................................ Single Phase
FuelCapacity ......................... 5 U.S.gailons
Unit Weight ............................... 170 Ibs.
Sore .............................. 3.12 in. (79mm)
Stroke ............................. 2.44 in. (62mm)
Displacement ...................... 18.64 in. (305 cc)
ResistorType: ............. Briggs & Stratton 491055S
Long Life Piatinum: .......... Briggs & Stratton 5066D
SetGapTo: ................... O.030inch(0.76ram)
Armature Air Gap: ........ 0.008-0.012 in. (O.20-O.30mm)
Valveclearancewith valvesprings installed and piston 1/4 in.
(6 ram) past top dead center(check whenengine is cold).
Intake ................. 0.004-0.006 in. (0.10=0.15mm)
Exhaust ............... 0.004-0.006 in. (0.10=0.15mm)
OiICapacity .................... 28 Ounces(0.8 Liters)
NOTE:Forpractical operation, the generator load should not
exceed 85% of rated wattage. Enginegross horsepower wiii
decrease3-I/2% for each 1,000feet (300 meters) abovesea
leveland 1% for each 10° F (5.6° C)above 77° F (25° C). It
shouid operatesatisfactorily at an angie upto 15°,