The drive belts are of special construc-
tion and must be replaced with odginal
equipment replacement belts available
from your nearest Sears service center.
Some steps require the assistance of a
second person.
How To Remove the Auger Drive Belt
If the auger drive belt is damaged, the
snow thrower will not discharge snow.
Replace the damaged belt as follows.
1. Disconnect the spark plugwire.
2. Loosen the bolts on each side of
the bottom panel (see Figure 27).
3. Remove the bottom panel.
BOlt Bottom
\ Bolt "_
4. Remove screw from belt cover.
Remove the belt cover (see
Figure 25).
5. Loosen the belt guide. Pull the belt
guide away from the auger drive
pulley (see Figure 29).
6. Pull the idler pulley away from the
auger drive belt and slip the auger
drive belt off ofthe idler pulley.
7. Remove the auger drive belt from
the engine pulley. To remove the
auger drive belt, the engine pulley
may have to be partially rotated.
B. Remove the top four bolts that hold
together the auger housing and
the motor box. Loosen the bottom
two bolts. The auger housing and
the motor box can now be spilt
apart for removal of the belt (see
9. Remove the old auger drive belt
from the auger drive pulley. Re-
place the auger drive belt wfth an
original factory replacement belt
available fi'om an authodzed service
center (see Figure 29).
10. Installthe new auger drive belt
onto the auger drive pulley.
NOTE: To assemble the auger
housing to the motor box, have
someone hold the auger clutch
lever In the ENGAGED position.
This will move the idler arm and
pulley enough to allow the auger
drive pulley to move back into
11. Assemble the auger housing to the
motor box with the four bolts that
were removed in step B. "i3ghtanthe
bottom two bolts.
12. Installthe auger drive belt ontothe
engine pulley.
13. Slip the auger drive belt under the
idler pulley.
14. Adjust the auger drive belt. See
"How To Adjust The Auger Drive
Belt" inthe Service And Adjustment
15. Adjust the belt guide. See "HowTo
Adjust The Belt Guide" in the Ser-
vice And Adjustment section.
16. Install the belt cover, 13ghten
screw (See Figure 25).
17. Check the adjustment of the cables.
See =How To Check And Adjust The
Cables" in the Service And Adjust-
ment section.
18. Installthe bottom panel (see
Figure 27).
19. "13ghtenthe bolts on each side of
the bottom panel.
20. Connect the spark plug wire.