A ARNING:Thestarteris
designedto operateon 120voltAC
householdcurrent.It mustbeprop-
erlygroundedatalltimesto avoid
whichmay be injurious to operator.
Follow all inst_'uctions carefully
as set forth In the "To Start En-
gine" section.
• Determine that your house wiring
Is a three-wire grounded system.
Ask a licensed electrician If you
are not sure. If your house wire
system is not a throe-wire system,
do not use this electric starter un-
der any conditions.
If your system Is grounded and a
three-hole receptacle is not avail-
able at the point your starter will
normally be used, one should be
Installed by a licensed electrician.
When connecting 120 volt AC
"Power Cord", always connect the
cord to the Switch Box on the en-
gine first, than plug the other end
Into the three-hole grounded re-
ceptacle. When disconnecting
"Power Cord", always unplug the
end in the three-hole grounded re-
ceptacle first.
Choke Knob
Stop Switch
How To Start A Cold Engine 6.
1. Be sure auger drive and traction
drive levers are in the disengaged
(RELEASED) position.
2. Push the stop switch to the ON
position (see Figure 16).
3. Push inthe safety key. 7.
4. Rotate the choke knob to the
CHOKE position.
5. (Electric Start) Plug the power cord
into the starter motor on the en-
gine. Plug the other end of power
cord into a three-hole, grounded 8.
120 VOLT, AC receptacle.
F-0410111L 15
RecoilStarter Receptacle
Handle F]gum 16
Push the primer button as speci-
fied below. Remove finger from
pdmer button between pushes.
• Push two times if temperature is
15° F (-9° C) or higher.
• Push four times iftemperature is
below 15° F (-9° C).
(Bec_ Star0 Pushdown on f_
starer button LaYdlthe enginestads.
To prolongthe life of the sta,'tar,do not
crank formorn then 5 secondsata
time. Wait one minutebetweenstarts
to allowthe startermotortocool.
(Recoil Start) Slowly pullthe recoil
starter handle untilresistance is