CAmmT(nN: Never store a chain ]
_J v saw for (onger than 30(
performing the foUowing proceĀ° /
Sprocket Tip Lubrication
Lubrication of the sprocket tip is recom-
mended after 10 hours of use or once a
2, Start the enq(ne and (et (t run until the un(t stops to
remove fueH-from carburetor,
3, AHow the engine to coo( (approx, 5 minutes),
4, Using a spark pHugwrench, remove the spark pHug,
The Lube Gun (not (nduded) (s recommended for app(y(ng
grease to the guide bar sprocket tip, The Lube Gun is
equipped with a needHenose tip which is necessary for
the efficient appHication of grease to the sprocket tip,
NOTE: Store the unit in a dry p(ace and away from possD
Me sources of ignition such as a furnace, gas hot
water heater, gas dryer, etc.
F(g. 36
1, Remove spark pHug.
2, PuUstarter rope brisMy to dear excess oH from com-
bustion chamber.
3, CHeanand gap spark pHugor (nstaUa new spark plug
with proper gap.
4. Prepare unit for operation.
5, Fill fuel tank with proper fuel oil mixture, See Oil and
Fuel Information.
Frequent lubrication of the guide bar (railed bar which
supports and carries the saw chain) sprocket tip is
required. Proper maintenance of the guide bar, as
explained in this section, is essential to keep your saw in
good working condition,
Fig. 37
To (ubr(cate the sprocket t(p:
1. Move the STOP sw(tch up.
NOTE: It is not necessary to remove the saw chain to
lubricate the guide bar sprocket tip, Lubrication
can be done on thejob,
2, Clean the guide bar sprocket tip,
3, Using the Lube Gun (not included), insert tip of lube
gun unto the lubrication hole and inject grease until it
appears at outside edge of sprocket tip (Fig. 37},
4, Rotate saw chain by hand. Repeat lubrication procedure
until the entire sprocket tip has been greased,
Adequate (ubr(cation of the saw chain (s essential at a((
times to minimize friction with the guide bar,
Never starve the bar and chain of oil, Running the saw
with too little oil will decrease cutting efficiency, shorten
saw chain life, cause rapid dulling of chain, and cause
excessive wear of bar from overheating. Too little oil is evi-
denced by smoke, bar discoloration or pitch build-up,
NOTE: Saw chain stretches during use, particularly when
it is new, and it will occasionally be necessary to
adjust and tighten it. New chain will require adjust-
ment after about 5 minutes of operation,
Refer to Section Other hstructions: Automatic OUerfor
information on the automatic oiler,