
WARNmNG: Activatethe CHAHN
BRAKE<_ showilyand
deHberateHy,Keep thechainfrom touching
anything; don't Hetthe saw tip forward.
WARN, NG: nfcha'nd°esn°t
stop, turn engine off
and take your unit to the nearest Authorized
Service Center for service.
1. Mace saw on a dear, firm, fiat surface.
2. With the chain brake pulled back to the disengaged
position, start the engine.
3. Grasp the rear handHe(A) with your right hand (Fig. 10).
4. With your Hefthand, hoHdthe front handHe(B) [not Chain
Brake(_ Hever(C)] firmHy (Fig. 10).
5. Squeeze the throttHe trigger to 1/3 throttHe, then imm-
ediateHy engage the Chain Brake(_ Heverby pushing
forward (C) (Fig. 10).
6. Chain shouHd stop abruptHy. When it does, immediateHy
reHeasethe throttHe/trigger.
7. If Chain Brake(_ functions properHy,turn the engine off
and return the Chain Brake( u) to the DISENGAGED
F_g. 8
F_g. 9
Chain Lubrication
Adequate Hubrication of the saw chain is essentiaH at aHH
times to minimize friction with the guide bar. Never starve
the bar and chain of oiL Running the saw with too HittHeoiH
wiHHdecrease cutting efficiency, shorten saw chain Hire,
cause rapid duHHingof chain, and cause excessive wear of
bar from overheating. Too HittHeoiHis evidenced by smoke,
bar discoHoration or pitch buiHd-up.
Fig. 10
Automatic Oiler
Your chain saw is equipped with an automatic gear driven
oilier system. The oilier automaticaHHydeHiversthe proper
amount of oiHto the bar and chain. As the engine speed
increases, so does the oiHflow to the bar pad. The amount
of oiHflowing to the bar and chain may be changed by
turning the adjustment screw (D)with a smaHHshotted
screwdriver as shown in Fig. 11. Turn the screw cHockwise
to DECREASE oiHflow and countercHockwise to INCREASE
the flow.
Fig. 11