Gas And Oil Fill-up
Oil (one 20-oz. bottle shipped with unit)
Only use highquality detergentoil ratedwith API
service classificationSF, SG or SH. Select the oil's
viscositygrade accordingtothe expected operating
temperature. Followthe chart below.
NOTE: Although multi-viscosity oils (5W30, 10W30,
"etc.) improve startingin coldweather, these
multivisoosity oils will result in increased oil
consumption when used above 32°F. Check engine
oil level more frequently to avoid possible engine
WARNING: Neverfillthefuel tank indoors.
Gasoline producesnoxiousfumes. Always
be certaintofillthe fuel tank ina well
ventilatedarea to avoidinhalationof
WARNING: Never smokewhile fueling
your chipper-shreddervacuum. Gasoline
producescumbustablefumes whichcan
igniteand cause personalir_ry.
WARNING: Do not fill closer than 1/2 inch----
from the topofthe fuel tankto prevent
spillsand toallowfor fuel expansion. If
damage from running low on oil. l
Colder _ 32°F _ Warmer
I disappeared.
SAE 305W30
gasolineis accidently spilled, move
chipper-shredder vacuum away from area
of spill. Avoid creating any source of
ignition until gasoline vapors have
Check the fuel level periodically to avoid running
out of gasoline while operating the chipper-
shredder vacuum. Ifthe unit runs out of gas as it
Oil Viscosity Chart
Remove oil fill dipstick.
With the chipper-shredder vacuumon level
ground, use a funnel to fill engine with oil to
FULL mark on dipstick. Capacity is
approximately 20 oz. Be careful not to overfill.
Overfilling will cause the engine to smoke
ischipping, itmay be necessary tounclog the
unitbefore itcan be restarted. Refer to
Removing the Flail Screen on page 15.
Starting The Engine
IMPORTANT: ifyour unitshowsany signofmotion
withthe driveclutchcontrolin thedisengaged
profusely and willresultin poor engine
performance. The oilbottle packagedwith your
chipper-shreddervacuumcontains20 oz. of oil.
Tiltchipper-shreddervacuum towardthe left,
then re-level. Check theoil level makingcertain
-notto rubthe dipstickalong theinsidewalls of
the oilfill tube.This wouldresultin a false
dipstickreading. Refill toFULL mark on dipstick,
ifnecessary. Replace dipstickandtighten.
Check oillevel three timespriorto starting
engine tobe certainyou've gotten an accurate
dipstick reading. Running the engine with too
little oil can result in permanant engine damage.
Remove fuel cap from the fuel tank.
Make sure the container from which you will
pour the gasoline is clean and free from rust or
foreign particles. Never use gasoline that may
be stalefrom long periods of storage in its
container. Gasolinethat has been sitting for any
period longer than four weeks should be
considered stale.
Fill fuel tank with approximately 3 quarts of
clean, fresh, leed-free grade automotive
gasoline. DO NOT use Ethyl or high octane
gasoline. Replace fuel cap.
position, shut the engine off immediately. Readjust
following the instructions on page 16.
WARNING: Make sure that no one other
than the operatorisstandingnear the
chipper-shreddervacuum unitwhile starting
Do notoperate thisunit unlessthe nozzle,
dischargechute,and the bag havebeen
properly installed.
Attach spark plug wire and rubber boot to spark
plug if not already attached.
Placethe throttle control lever in FAST position.
Depress the primer three to four times slowly.
Wait about two seconds between each push.
When temperature is at or below 50°F/10°C, it
may be necessary to depress the primer five to
six times. You may have to use the primer to
restart a warm engine after a short shutdown.
Place one foot on the left rear wheelto prevent
the unit from skidding while starting.
Grasp starter handle and pull rope out slowly
until engine reaches start of compression cycle.
The rope will pull slightly harder at this point. Let
the rope rewind slowly.