Know Your Chipper-Shredder Vacuum
Read thisowner's manual and safety rulesbefore operatingyourchipper-shreddervacuum. Compare the
illustrationsbelowwithyourequipmenttofamiliarize yourselfwiththe locationofvarious controlsand
nadjustments.Save thismanual forfuturereference.
The operationofany chipper-shreddervacuum can resultinforeignobjectsbeingthrown into
" _r_SA_,,_SES_i theeyes, whichcan resultinsevere eye damage. Always wear safety glasses, providedwith
theCraftsman chipper-shreddervacuum,for operatingthisequipmentor whileperformingany
adjustmentsor repairson it.
_ _ DriveClutchControl
S_-_ _ HStaar_le_A[ _ Spark PlugWire_ / /
Chute _ __ Nozzle _ ll__ _"
-\ _ _/f_ ! / __ ;I FuelCsp
I _ _'_ \/!Tf_ J/ NozzleDoorHeight% I _;/\ _/_ I
CatcherS/ag _-_\\_//////_x_'_-'_/_J_ "_(f I_ AdjustmentLevers!__ _ _Air Filter / /_/_
FrontCasterWheet"/_ _ __J I) I _-J C'ontro/ "J_--'J
hoz]Ie Door -=-_ chipper-shredder va_--J View from rear Cfuum
Figure 9
Operating Controls
Chipper Chute
Allows twigsand small branches uptothree inches in
diameter tobe fed intothe impellerfor shredding.
Yard waste such as leaves and pineneedles can be
vacuumed up throughthe nozzle,
Catcher Bag
Collects shreddedmaterial fedin throughthe chipper
chute or vacuumedin throughthe nozzle.
Front Caster Wheels
Allowsfora choiceinthe manueverabilityofthe
The primeris usedto assistinstartinga cold engine
or restadmgofa engine aftera shortsl_btdown,
Starter Handle
This isused tostartthe engine.
Throttle Control
Controlsthe engine speed and stopsthe engine.
Drive Clutch Control
Squeezing the driveclutchcontrolcauses the
chipper-shreddervacuumto self-propel.
Nozzle Door
Nozzle groundclearance can be adjustedwith the
nozzle door.
Stopping the Engine
• Move throttlecontrollever to STOP position.
• Disconnectspark plug wire and move away from
the spark plug to prevent accidental starting while
the equipment is unattended,
Meets ANSI safety standards
Craftsmanchipper-shreddervacuums conformtothe safety standard oftheAmerican National Standards Institute(At