Connecting Power Unit to
Misting Arm Assembly
Step 1
• Locate supply lines and power connector
at the power unit (AA) and uncoil to full
Step 2
• When the supply lines have exited the
underside of the tractor body, feed the
supply lines and power connector along
tractor chassis into engine compartment.
WARNING: Engine components may be hot.
Exercise caution when working in engine com-
partment to avoid personal injury.
Starting at the rear of tractor, feed supply
lines and connector assembly underneath
tractor body along right side of chassis
using care to avoid any potential interfer-
ence with tractor functionality.
IMPORTANT: To ensure lines will not be
damaged during tractor use, it is recommended
that you follow the exact path of existing electri-
cal supply lines installed on your lawn tractor.
Continue to feed lines through the engine
compartment to the other side of the trac-
tor. Ensure that the supply lines are
routed safely away from the engine by
routing behind existing cables and wires.
NOTE: Do not install routing clips (G) at this
time. The lines are only run to make the con-
nection at this point in the installation. Finaliz-
ing installation will occur in subsequent steps.