Site Survey Guide for Deploying Cisco 7920 IP Phones
This document provides instructions and guidelines for conducting a site survey for wireless LANs using
Voice over IP (VoIP) on Cisco 7920 IP Phones.
With the introduction of voice to a predominantly wireless data network the methodology of site surveys
will have to be altered. Voice over WLAN is a new application to wireless technology. Many of the
survey techniques used for WLAN must be updated.
This document is intended to identify many of the recommended techniques and tools needed to
successfully deploy VoIP over an 802.11 wireless network. The recommendations made in this document
supersede all other guides on doing site surveys. However, other site survey guides or training documents
are valuable and a necessary prerequisite to this recommendation guide.
Surveying for wireless voice coverage requires more effort and time than for data-only coverage at the
same site. A voice survey requires planning of coverage plus the planning of capacity. Wireless data is
less susceptible to disruption than wireless voice when it comes to cell overlap, RF noise, and packet