File Reception (/R)
This function is used to receive a file that exists on the communication partner side by specifying the
request pathname. If the directory specified as the reception directory does not exist on the execution
side, it will be automatically created.
Starting method
int argc = number of parameter arguments
char* argv[] = { "fl", "/R[Option]", "request pathname" [,"request pathname"],
"reception directory name" }
DoFlink(argc, argv)
Option Description
O (Overwrite) Specification to forced overwrite a read-only file
R (Recursive call) Transfers all files under the directory specified by the request
Q (Quiet) Non-display of the FLINK output message
(HT-to-HT communication)
Used to perform communication between two handy terminals
(execute the partner-side FLINK with idle start).
Request pathname
Specify by its full pathname the file to be received that exists on the communication partner side.
A wild card can be used for the file name.
Multiple request pathnames can be specified.
Reception directory
Specify the storage directory name in which to store the received file.
The directory name must include the drive name.
Enter " " as the delimiter of the directory name.
"b: " (Specification of the root directory)
"b: info test " (Specification of the sub-directory)
"b: info" (Incorrect specification)