UNIT FAR *SetCommEventMask(idComDev, fuEvtMask)
int idComDev;
/* Communication device to be enabled */
UNIT fuEvtMask;
/* Event to be enabled */
The SetCommEventMask function will enable the event included in the event word of the specified
communication device.
< Parameter >
idComDev Specifies the communication device to be enabled. The OpenComm function
returns this value.
fuEvtMask Specifies the event to be enabled. This parameter consists of any combination of
the following values.
EV_BREAK Set if a break state is detected at data input. This functions if
9-Wire or 3-Wire connection is established.
EV_CTS Set if the status is changed by the CTS (clear to send) signal.
This functions if the 9-Wire connection is established.
EV_CTSS Set if the current status of the CTS signal is indicated.
This functions if the 9-Wire connection is established.
EV_DSR Set if the status is changed by the DSR (data set ready) signal.
This functions if the 9-Wire connection is established.
EV_ERR Set if the line status error occurs. The line status error will be
This functions if the 9-Wire or 3-Wire connection is established.
EV_PERR Not supported.
EV_RING Set if the ring indicator status is indicated during the last modem
interrupt. This functions if the 9-Wire connection is established.
EV_RLSD Set if the status is changed by the RLSD (receive line signal detect)
signal. This functions if the 9-Wire connection is established.
EV_RLSDS Set if the current status of the RING signal is indicated. This
functions if the 9-Wire connection is established.
EV_RXCHAR Set if a character is received and placed in the reception queue
EV_RXFLAG Not supported.
EV_TXEMPTY Set if the last character in the transmission queue is send out.
< Return value >
Returns a pointer that indicates the current event word of the specified communication device if the
function is terminated normally. Each bit of the event word represents whether the specified event
occurred. If the event actually occurred, the corresponding bit is set to 1.