k Conic Section Graph Analysis
You can determine approximations of the following analytical results using conic section
• Focus/vertex/eccentricity
• Length of latus rectum
• Center/radius
x -/ y -intercept
• Directrix/axis of symmetry drawing and analysis
• Asymptote drawing and analysis
1. From the Main Menu, enter the CONICS mode.
2. Use f and c to select the conic section you want to analyze.
3. Input the conic section constants.
4. Draw the Graph.
After graphing a conic section, press !5 (G-SLV) to display the following graph analysis
u Parabolic Graph Analysis
• { FOCS } / { VTX } / { LEN } / { e } ... {focus}/{vertex}/{length of latus rectum}/{eccentricity}
• { DIR } / { SYM } ... {directrix}/{axis of symmetry}
• { X-IN } / { Y-IN } ... { x -intercept}/{ y -intercept}
u Circular Graph Analysis
• { CNTR } / { RADS } ... {center}/{radius}
• { X-IN } / { Y-IN } ... {
x -intercept}/{ y -intercept}
u Elliptical Graph Analysis
• { FOCS } / { VTX } / { CNTR } / { e } ... {focus}/{vertex}/{center}/{eccentricity}
• { X-IN } / { Y-IN } ... {
x -intercept}/{ y -intercept}
u Hyperbolic Graph Analysis
• { FOCS } / { VTX } / { CNTR } / { e } ... {focus}/{vertex}/{center}/{eccentricity}
• { ASYM } ... {asymptote}
• { X-IN } / { Y-IN } ... { x -intercept}/{ y -intercept}
The following examples show how to use the above menus with various types of conic
section graphs.
Function Analysis