Activity Report
A record listing all documents that have been sent and received.
Automatic Document Feeder. Originals placed in the feeder are automatically fed
sheet by sheet to the platen glass for scanning. The feeder also automatically turns
over two-sided originals to make one- or two-sided copies.
ASCII code
ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) is a set of standardized
codes used to represent letters, numbers, punctuation marks, a few symbols, and
control characters. A seven digit (or seven bit) binary number can represent one of
128 distinct codes.
Auto Redial
When Auto Redial is set to 'On', the machine automatically redials the recipient's
facsimile number if the line was busy, or if there was a sending error. The machine will
wait two minutes (default) after the initial attempt before redialing. You can specify the
number of times that the machine redials, the length of the redial interval, and
whether to redial after a transmission error.
Batch Sending
Batch Sending enables you to scan different documents at different times, store them
in memory, and then send them all at once to any one destination at any time. The
reduction in transmission time saves you on transmission costs. Further savings can
be made if you set the machine to send during the time when telephone rates are
Bits per second. The measure of transmission speed used in relationship to networks
and communication lines.