Appendix A
SEHI100TX MIB Structure
SEHI100TX management information base configuration
IETF MIB Support
In addition to its proprietary features, the SEHI100TX currently supports the
following IETF MIB:
¥ RFC 1213 MIB for Network Management of TCP/IP-based Internets: MIB-II
SEHI100TX MIB Structure
CabletronÕs newer intelligent devices Ñ like the SEHI100TX Ñ organize MIB data
into a series of Òcomponents.Ó A MIB component is a logical grouping of MIB
data, and each group controls a deÞned set of objects. For example, SEHI100TX
repeater information resides in its Repeater component; more generic device and
port information resides in the SEHI100TX Chassis MGR component.
The SEHI100TX MIB consists of Þve components, each of which is described
below. To see the names of the MIB components in your SEHI100TX, bring up the
Community Names application, or use any SNMP Get operation that will allow
you to view the contents of the chCompTable.
The SEHI100TX MIB consists of the following components:
SEHI100TX Chassis MGR
The Chassis MGR MIB component contains most of the basic information about
the SEHI100TX, including: the SEHI100TXÕs MIB component information (in the
chCompTable), device names, hardware revision numbers, MAC and IP
addresses, the current time and date, and information related to redundancy,
alarms, and TFTP download. The system, interfaces, at, ip, icmp, udp, and snmp
groups from MIB-II are also included. The community names assigned to this
MIB component provide the gateway that all SPMA applications use to access all