Monitoring Hub Performance 2-9
Using the SEHI100TX Hub View
Port display form options are:
Shows a percentage for each active port that represents that portÕs portion of the
theoretical maximum trafÞc level Ñ for Ethernet interfaces, 10 megabits per
second; for Fast Ethernet interfaces, 100 megabits per second.
Displays port trafÞc data in a packets/second format.
Displays port trafÞc data in a collisions/second format. The SEHI100TX counts
both receive collisions Ñ those collisions it detects while receiving a transmission
Ñ and transmit collisions Ñ those it detects while transmitting (i.e., a port in the
SEHI100TX-managed stack transmitted one of the colliding packets); however,
those counts are combined and a single total value is displayed.
Shows port trafÞc errors in an errors/second format. You can display any one of
the following types of errors:
¥ Total errors
¥ Alignment errors
¥ CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) errors
¥ Runts
¥ Giants
¥ OOW (Out-of-Window) Collisions
For error type descriptions, see Checking Statistics, page 2-16.
Frame Sizes
Displays a percentage for each active port that represents what portion of that
portÕs trafÞc is of a speciÞc size, measured in bytes. You can display any one of the
following frame sizes:
¥ Runts (packets with fewer than 64 bytes)
¥ 64-127
¥ 128-255
¥ 256-511
¥ 512-1023
¥ 1024-1518
¥ Giants (packets with more than 1518 bytes)
For the statistical port display form options listed above, three dashes (- - -) will display
for all inactive ports; any active (green) port will display a numeric value, even if itÕs